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From: dold@79.usenet.us.com
Newsgroups: comp.sys.dec,comp.org.decus,comp.protocols.kermit.misc
Subject: Re: DECMATE & Kermit
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Roger Ivie (rivie@rivie.daautah.com) wrote:
: RX50 is single-sided, 96TPI, 250KHz MFM, 512-byte sectors, 10
: sectors/track. There's software interleave. The disks are not MS-DOS
: formatted, so mtools won't be able to do much with them. WPS also uses
I _knew_ I shouldn't have mentioned mtools in the same sentence ;-)
The MiniFrame has option widgets. It can go single or double sided, 96 or
48TPI, 8/9/10 sectors, software interleave of an adjustable offset.
I've forgotten the "kHz". It was the lower of two, which I thought was
512/1m, but maybe it was 250, where PC-AT was 512 for the 1.2MB diskette.
I mentioned mtools because it affords the opportunity for the MiniFrame to
import/export MSDOS files. I thought a port of mtools on the DecMate might
allow it to read MSDOS diskettes, not that mtools would read the DEC
Although there are software switches for 48/96tpi. I was largely
unsuccessful processing the 48TPI diskettes. It sort of worked,
sometimes... making me think the software was okay, but the hardware was
being asked to do something it didn't want to do.
If the DecMate is nt easy to play with, then the best ide would probably be
to "print" to a serial port, and use kermit to capture the output to a DOS
file. I've done this in the past, then using a c program to parse the data
back into usable records. Recently I've used a Windows program that is
quite powerful. Monarch V3, from www.datawatch.com, allows you to highlight
fields from a disk-based print image, for import into a database.
Clarence A Dold - dold@network.rahul.net
- Pope Valley & Napa CA.